Nutrition ↦ Dietetics

Every individual has a unique metabolism and ability to absorb nutrition which impacts immunity and general well-being. In certain cases, a scientific approach to balancing food intake helps managing existing lifestyle issues and chronic diseases.

Nutritionists and Dieticians are health professionals who alter the patient's nutrition based upon their medical condition and individual needs. Dieticians are the only qualified healthcare professionals licensed to assess, diagnose, and treat nutritional problems.

They help in:

Assessing the nutritional consumption pattern of patients and identify gaps if any

Developing diet plans and counselling patients on diet modifications

Suggesting cost-effective solutions based on the affordability of the patient

Provide contacts of suppliers who could deliver the recommended food to the patient

Most of these services can be delivered through Voice / Web - what we at CallHealth refer to as @Platform Services

Following are some of the services offered to our clients. This list is representative, more offerings are being added daily.

  • Dietician consultation
  • Provide customized diet plans
  • Continuous monitoring
  • Periodic reviewing of the customer
  • Send reminders
  • Personalized wellness program (Includes Health foods)

1. Demand Generation Opportunity

Winning new customers, upselling and cross selling services to the customers is an equal responsibility that CallHealth and P-HELP share in building a win-win relationship. P-HELP can onboard new customers, upsell or cross sell services to earn more.

2. Demand Fulfilment opportunity

We estimate that a city like Hyderabad with a population of approximately 1 Crore has almost 17 lakh consultations for dietetics taking place in a year. A significant portion of these are carried out at hospitals and stand-alone centres, however there exists a potential for almost 3.5 lakh of these to be carried out at home utilizing technology


  P-HELPs can engage with CallHealth for either or both of the below mentioned opportunities:

Generating Demand:

  • Win new customers through references from existing customers. One-time basis that brings forth a (finite number of) relationship(s) to the CallHealth platform
  • Upsell and Cross Sell greater value (Packages & Profiles) to end customers. An ongoing engagement with select Institutional Customers to expand the depth and scope of services offered by CallHealth

In either of these cases, rewards will be commensurate with the quantum of business that is generated, as per prevailing policy guidelines.

Servicing Demand :

  • Execute the desired service as per CallHealth's protocol by establishing a service delivery team of Individual Service Providers (ISPs)


As a matter of protocol, CallHealth has standardized its terms of engagement and will execute the same digitally with all its partners, through a Smart Contract

( 1 ) Smart Contract

The smart contract has a mix of text and formula to cover the basic terms and conditions as well as to address variables based on performance

The smart contract has the following sections


  • Generic terms as applicable to all P-HELPs and A-HELPs
  • Customized terms as applicable to a defined service area / P-HELPs/ A-HELPs category


  • The operating guidelines define the expectations of performance and rewards and penalties associated with its execution. All formulas have been automated to minimize bias and errors.

( 2 ) Payment of Incentive:

All payments rendered for B2C customers will be settled every 15 days. All payments for services rendered to institutional customers will be concluded within 7 days from the time of settlement of the bill and payment by the customer.

( 3 ) Disclaimer

While the company is guided by the formula in the normal course, in consideration of the best interests of the company and the partner ecosystem in general, it retains the right to periodically revisit the terms of the contract, at its own discretion.

The framework enables both the parties to dynamically guide the fair and equitable interpretation and execution of the contract.

( 4 ) Earnings Potential:

  • The model is built for a metro city of population 10 Million, penetration of 20 % with ticket size of Rs. 150. The productivity of ISP, under the P-HELPs, is expected to reach 80%, in 6 months.
  • CallHealth estimates that the business will break even in 8 months and reach growth period at 16 months.
  • The table below shows a typical illustration:

How much do I Invest?

INR 2.6 Lakh1

When will I start earning?

8th Month

When do I recover my money?

16 Months2

Peak Earning Potential

INR 22.3 Lakh / Month3

  • Office Equipment Cost: INR 1,39,0004
  • Covering up intial Losses: INR 1,24,350


1Excluding Franchise Fee of 5 Lakh INR
2Excluding Franchise Fee
4Assuming 20% of staff to be working from office, considered 1 laptop, 1 wooden cabin & 1 chair per manpower working from office
  • Equipments from ISP: 1.Smart Phone, 2.Internet
  • Disclaimer: All the numbers above are illustrative and are for informative purposes only.

1. P-HELPs

P-HELPs are modelled after traditional franchises. CallHealth is singularly committed to making its HELPs in general, and P-HELPs in particular, incredibly successful. The company believes that its own success is intimately tied to the success of ecosystem of HELPs. This is all the more so, as the company shall be working with thousands of P-HELPs across the country.

P-HELPs are designed for partners who - having chosen an entrepreneurial path - would exclusively work with CallHealth in a broad spectrum of health-related areas. They would engage in generating demand (business development) or servicing demand, as the case may be. These partners could, individually or in association with other leaders, provide the services through a pool of Individual Service Providers (ISPs) - with competencies in chosen areas. They could be employed directly or have a fee-for-service contractual arrangement for rendering these services.


CallHealth has a few governing principles that drive its engagement with the P-HELPs:

a. P-HELPs relationships form a significant value add to CallHealth's customer offerings and CallHealth's objective will be to drive additional business to P-HELPs.

  • CallHealth intends to remain focused on its platform business
  • CallHealth will always add value to the P-HELPs by enhancing their business revenues

b. CallHealth will always operate in a transparent and bias-free manner with the P-HELPs

  • CallHealth will enable transparency and dynamically highlight their offerings, prices, discounts and differentiators to them on its platform.
  • Dynamic MCC highlights the current performance in an objective manner.

c. The entire engagement will be managed through automated measures and Smart Contracts that will eliminate human bias.

d. Financial settlements will be done weekly, fortnightly, monthly and all concerned parties will be able to see the transactional details in its entirety.


The CallHealth platform is powered by Intelligence - Over 4000+ person-years of testing has enabled the platform to absorb information and provide actionable insights. The objective is to move the focus to predictive and preventive care rather than remain at a curative, episodic level, as is the case now.

Unlike traditional healthcare delivery models which require high capex investments CallHealth offers the opportunity to start a business or integrate an existing business, with an extremely low investment!

This platform and its intelligent analytics, comes free to CallHealth's partners till they achieve a certain level of business momentum and thereafter, a reasonable pay-per-use transaction fee will be charged to the customer

An Integrated Mission Control Centre enables seamless tracking of all scheduled orders by the customers, service providers and the company

CallHealth's unique 24/7 Mission Control Centre monitors and tracks clinical and service outcomes just like an airport control tower tracks flight take offs and landings. This fanatic focus on service quality has helped us improve response times and minimize service denials or delays to under 2% of total orders serviced. We are continuing to productize our services and strive for six sigma quality standards.

In instances, where services are delivered at a healthcare centre, the customers feedback on the experience is captured and this "rating" is tracked for corrective action as needed.

Its unique Cart Checkout feature enables a customer to book different healthcare services for multiple members in the household, for services that need to be provided at different addresses (e.g. home & office) and at different time slots - all in one go! This is a world first and provides maximum convenience

The P-HELPs can bring Individual Service Providers (ISPs) on their rolls on a full time or a fee-for-service model. This helps limit fixed costs and deal with the elasticity of demand.

ISPs have the flexibility to choose their service timings, geography of operation and days when they will be available

A-HELPs can add or delete services from time to time as well as vary their discount percentages at their convenience, with very minimal effort.

a) CallHealth is the largest integrated marketplace for "Everything about health" - for Products, Services and Service Providers - all of which can be accessed across India through Call/Web/App. This offers an opportunity to virtually and physically access millions of customers and go beyond the boundaries of physical presence.

b) CallHealth's intelligent platform, customized and integrated offerings as well as the calendarized outreach program helps drive greater adoption. Most importantly, highly affordable rates brought about by volume discounts and disintermediation of layers, makes it easy for customers to achieve more at a lower cost.

c) Customers have the opportunity to access different healthcare needs in one place and the partners can gradually expand their services, in a given geography or across geographies.

In order to maximize the benefits for all stakeholders, P-HELPs have to focus all their energies and attention on service delivery and business growth. To enable this CallHealth will facilitate their various operational requirements at reasonable costs. A few of the services are detailed below and this list will be continuously refreshed based on needs as identified by the market. These support services are productized and automated in as many instances as possible. In the interim phase, for some services are provided through a knowledge process outsourcing (KPO), business process outsourcing (BPO), and for physical facilitation services made as needed.

In the interest of consistency of services and quality, it is essential that P-HELPs make use of the support services as facilitated by CallHealth. These services shall span across the following areas:

1. Secretarial

  • Company incorporation
  • Compliance & Filing of returns

2. Finance

  • Maintenance of books
  • Deduction of tax & compliance
  • Vendor payments

3. Human Resources

  • Recruitment of ISPs
  • Background verification including skill validation
  • Onboarding, Safety of ISPs and Payroll activation
  • Payables to staff & Tax compliance
  • Settlements and Closures

4. Training

  • Orientation to CallHealth & its SOPs
  • b. Periodic skill certifications
  • Onboarding, Safety of ISPs and Payroll activation
    • Online and offline
    • Soft skills & functional skills

5. Commercial

  • Standardization & Procurement - Consumables and beyond
  • Asset Management
  • Payables - reconciliation

6. Marketing

  • Centralized ATL & Digital activation
  • Preparation and presenting of collaterals for BTL campaigns
  • Press & Media engagement

7. Sales

  • Sales Training & orientation for P-HELPs & field staff
  • CRM, Customer Feedback and Analytics

In addition, a 24x7 dedicated Support Desk is available to the partners to help address all their queries.


  • CallHealth can stay true to its mission of focusing on the Platform that helps bring all healthcare ecosystem stakeholders together. While enabling unprecedented access to healthcare to customers through P-HELP network for services delivery.

CallHealth partners can register their interest through any of the three modes

Web -

App - CallHealth Partners (Available on Play Store)

Partner Network Support Team 040 - 7115 6333, 040 - 4517 1010


Once the requisite information is upgraded, there will be a verification process which would typically take about 5 working days.

Smart contract agreement

Once the verification process is complete, the partner would be required to sign the Smart Contract.

The Smart Contract is formula driven to determine the sharing of benefits based on performance expectations and actuals. The phrase "Smart Contract" points to the fact that there is objectivity in determining outcomes based on performance and commitments of both parties.

Listing of services and profile creation of team

Once the partner agreement is signed and agreed upon by both parties, the partner can start listing the services they can provide and confirm the operative pricing as applicable in the geography of operation.

In parallel, the partner is also expected to upload / create profiles for on-boarding the Individual Service Providers in his / her team

This step concludes the CallHealth Partner Network onboarding process

Activation on CallHealth Platform

The Service Providers and Services will now be visible to CallHealth customers

At this stage, access is provided to the partner to view Dashboards for managing and tracking the service transactions

Ongoing Interaction & Clarifications

CallHealth will periodically organize in-person meetings at different locations and have a planned schedule to address all queries with its prospective / current partners (P-HELPs)

For further queries:

Go through the FAQs

Reach 040 - 7115 6333, 040 - 4517 1010

1. What does CallHealth Do?

CallHealth is a healthcare platform provider that partners with the healthcare ecosystem to bring "Everything about health" to customers.

2. How long has the company been in existence?

CallHealth has been in business since November of 2013 as a provider of healthcare services across the spectrum of wellness, prevention and cure.

3. Who are the promoters?

Initially, CallHealth was founded/promoted by Ms. Sandhya Raju in 2013. In last 5 years investors from various fields have invested in its differentiated business model.

4. What are the services the company provides and does not provide?

Barring Emergency Medical Services, CallHealth provides healthcare services across Wellness, Prevention and Cure. The services include, but are not limited to, Doctor Consultations, Diagnostics and various treatment modalities.

5. How is CallHealh business model different from traditional healthcare providers?

While the ecosystem has several healthcare providers, it continues to be fragmented and does not provide continuity of Care. CallHealth brings all these providers on a single platform and makes it easy for the customer (or his/her care provider) to choose the right services, time and modality of use.

6. What are its accomplishments so far?

CallHealth has succeeded in bringing forth adoption of its platform in Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities for a wide range of healthcare products and services. Over a million customers have used this platform so fare.

a. "2016 TiE50 Winner" for the prestigious TiE50 Technology Awards Program
b. Innovative Healthcare Services Award by Times Healthcare Achievers 2017
c. Health Startup of the Year - India Healh and Wellness Summit and Awards 2016

7. Who takes the responsibility for the delight of the customers - CallHealth or the service provider?

CallHealth owns the Customer experience and will work with the providers on its platform to ensure impeccable service delivery. Customers feedback on a service provider will serve as a trigger for their continued presence on the platform.

8. What are the company's plans for expansion of its business?

Period 2018-19: India Expansion Phase

a) @Platform Services: This will cover all of Indian population that has reliable cell phone access and connectivity. The reach would be upwards of a billion people as most of the families in India have mobile phone access.

b) @Home Services: These are the services that shall be rendered physically at customer homes. These services will be extended to all towns and cities in India having a population upwards of twenty-five thousand, covering a cumulative population of 400 million

c) @Centre Services: These services shall be physically made available at the places of service or at the places of service-support. The reach of these services in this phase shall be same as '8b'. @Centre Services include 'HealthHubs' established in the towns across India. These are Online2Offline centres that provide access to both physical and virtual healthcare services access

Period 2018-19: India Expansion Phase

CallHealth shall expand its services to cover an additional population of 2 billion people in developing country markets. Altogether, the total population serviced by the company shall be 3 billion people globally by the end of year 2020.

9. What is meant by 'CallHealth Platform?'

Akin to the now flourishing e-Commerce businesses, CallHealth's technology platform brings together the various providers in the healthcare ecosystem to provide services (across wellness, prevention and cure) to customers; thus, ensuring timely and precise healthcare services.

10. What value does the platform bring to the table?

Combining human and machine intelligence, CallHealth has set out to provide Patient Centric New Age Healthcare to customers. The platform ensures that both access and delivery of service is prompt and traceable.

11. How does the platform work?

Powered by Intelligence, the platform ensures that it simplifies the access to healthcare for the customers and provide, all relevant information for the providers to ensure "evidence based" healthcare.

12. What are the information rights of the HELP?

The HELPs will be provided all requisite information to ensure proper delivery of services and expected outcomes. Confidentiality of customers health information will be protected at all times and will be shown only on a need -to- know basis.

13. What kind of uptime is assured?

CallHealth aspired to have zero downtime in its operations. However, in situations beyond its control, there are back up plans to ensure continuity.

14. Are business continuity and disaster recovery mechanisms well in place?

Yes. Disaster recovery mechanisms are driven on the principles of "0" - Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Recovery Time Objective (RTO). In other words, it is designed for zero loss of information and access

15. What are the interface options with respect to the platform?

Customers can access over:

Partners can access on:

16. Does the HELP have the option not to conduct some or all of its transactions outside of CallHealth platform?

No. All transactions should only happen through the CallHealth platform

17. Is the platform well tested for use by all stakeholders for all their possible requirements?

Yes. CallHealth has observed stringent testing and validation principles to ensure every interface and functionality therein from every vantage point has passed quality check.

18. What are HELPs? What are the differences and commonalities between the types of HELPs that the company deals with?

Health Ecosystem Leverage Partners (HELPs) are flag-bearers of the CallHealth platform providing healthcare services to end customers. HELPS come in two forms - Associate HELPs (Hospitals, Clinics, Logistics providers, Regulatory liaisons etc.) and Professional HELPs (providing service to the customers directly such as Doctors, Nurses, Dietitians/Nutritionists, Counsellors etc.)

19. What is the qualification criteria for being a HELP of the company?

Accreditations, Certifications, Experience, Presence, skills and specializations form the broad qualifiers to be a HELP. These are different for different HELPs but a Service Delivery Orientation, Empathy and Entrepreneurship run across all HELPS.

20. What is the basis on which the selection of a HELP is made?

In addition of the qualification criteria as above Demonstrable Thinking-Doing-Collaborating (T-D-C) capabilities are important.

21. How would you describe the nature of the relationship with a HELP - is it a franchise model?

CallHealth views this as a Franchisee-owned-Franchisee-operated model.

22. What is meant by HELP-Fee?

HELP fee is a minimum commitment given by a HELP to CallHealth. This fee will vary depending on the service type and geography.

23. Is it a onetime charge or is it refundable?

This is a one-time, non-refundable fee

24. Does CallHealth assure the HELP of a minimum business volume?

CallHealth has undertaken a careful study of trends, requirements of given locations and has a deep understanding of the potential such locations present. Along with its partners, it will strive to ensure generation of business demand in each of the market it operates in.

25. Can HELP also provide the services to competitors or organizations in Healthcare space?

HELPs are contractually bound to provide services exclusively through CallHealth platform.

26. Can HELP also do any other business?

Yes, if the 'other business' does not present as a conflict of interest with Brand CallHealth or as laid down in the Smart Contract.

27. What are other things that a HELP can do for the company? How would they be compensated for those additional services?

HELPs can:
1. Generate Demand
2. Serve Demand

28. Is it required that the HELP spends full time on services relating to HELP?

No. Entrepreneurs may pursue other business interests too while being engaged with CallHealth, as long as this does not present as a conflict of interest and the business expectations of CallHealth are not diluted.

29. Are there any limits placed on the size to which the HELP could grow?

CallHealth recognizes free markets and central to this is the objective to make professional entrepreneurs incredibly successful. Hence the growth opportunities are limitless.

30. Are there models similar to HELP in the world?

Franchisee-owned-Franchisee-operated (FOFO) model has been in existence in various verticals, none closer to this model in Service delivery in the health tech space.

31. How does the HELP model compare with traditional Franchises? What are the differences and commonalities?

As with traditional franchises, CallHealth will license its brand and platform to HELPs. All operational aspects viz., incorporation, office setup, manpower acquisition, rostering and service delivery aspects viz., officer availability, order management, fulfillment etc. will be managed by the HELPs.

32. Will the HELP have an opportunity to undertake other services in the same geography, or same service in other geography?

Yes. While smart contracts will define the operating areas of HELPs, provision shall be made to accommodate changes outside of these areas based on performance and need.

33. Is the responsibility of the HELP to service the demand, or generate demand, or both?

Servicing the demand and generating demand will the primary responsibility of HELPs. CallHealth will also contribute to brand building awareness and generating demand.

34. How is this responsibility reflected in the SLAs?

Smart contracts will clearly delineate the joint and sole responsibilities of either parties (CallHealth and HELPs).

35. What operational support does the company offer to HELPs?

By way of ancillary services, CallHealth will provide support for registration of the company, tax filing background verification of ISPs, accounting and reconciliations, book-keeping, branding assistance, Training and certification and demand generation.

36. What would be the services charges for those support services?

A Nominal service fee will be charged.

37. How transparent are the company policies and decisions in relation to HELP?

Company policies shall be very clearly enumerated as part of the smart contract clauses and will be up for view on the portal anytime by HELPs. Changes in decisions will be communicated clearly in pre-determined communication schedules

38. Will the company keep the commitments it makes in all cases?

Yes. CallHealth remains committed to every promise made and will ensure sufficient documentation is available at all times for both parties to view.

39. What are the risks if the business model of the company changes?

None. Adequate notice will be given in accordance with the contract. CallHealth will provide all help to ensure that the transition happens smoothly to the new business model by the way of training, etc.

40. What is the duration of relationship of the company with HELP? How often does one need to renew the relationship with the company?

The normal tenure is annual.

41. How are the boundaries between HELPs drawn? How are the conflicts between HELPs avoided?

CallHealth's smart contracts will be articulated such that there is no room for any ambiguity. Should a conflict still arise, it will be arbitrated/ governed by the local judiciary and/or through mutual discussions.

42. What if the HELP wants to exit?

Notice (as stipulated in the agreement) of 60 days is required. 60 days after signoff from creditors and partners, given HELPs will be offboarded. This period will help with reverse transition and exchange of assets, if any.

43. What is the notice period if the HELP wants to terminate the relationship with CallHealth?

Notice (as stipulated in the agreement) of 60 days is required.

44. Is there any feature that enables an ISP and / or P-HELP to access the real time orders assigned to self ?

Yes, there is a Mobile App called "P-HELP on the Go" that helps the P-HELP to stay on top of everyday operations. User should choose "My Office" in the App.

45. Are there multiple user types in PHELP application to manage PHELP operations? For example - user for allocation, user for financial reconciliation, Admin. User, etc.

Yes, there is a provision for each user type available in P-HELP application.

46. How should short-term short falls in manpower be handled? Can P-HELP employ a skilled healthcare provider with no background check to immediately handle the service break due to sudden manpower shortage?

P-HELPs are expected to plan for any such unanticipated service demand. However, if any such expert help is sought from another agency by the P-HELP, background check is mandatory given the nature of healthcare / homecare services.

47. What is the structure under which HELP business can be conducted or not conducted?

A HELP can incorporate his company as a LLPs, PLC, OPC (one-person company). It can't be conducted as an individual or unlimited liability partnerships or Public limited companies

48. How does a Private Limited company operate?

A private limited company is a privately held small business entity. This type of business entity limits owner liability to their shares, limits the number of shareholders to 50, and restricts shareholders from publicly trading shares.

49. How does a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) operate?

In a LLP, one partner is not responsible or liable for another's misconduct or negligence. An LLP also provides limited liability protection for the owners from the debts of the LLP. Therefore, all partners in an LLP enjoy a form of limited liability protection for each individual's protection within the partnership.

50. Can HELP business with CallHealth be conducted in a structure where the HELP has other business interests?

Yes. HELPs may pursue other business interests provided there is no conflict of interest with CallHealth contractual agreement

Yes. HELPs may pursue other business interests provided there is no conflict of interest with CallHealth contractual agreement

A Limited Liability Partnership has to register with the MCA under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008.

52. Will the company help in putting these HELP business structures in place?

CallHealth's facilitated operational support will help in putting these structures in place.

53. How long does it take to put these legal business structures in place?

It usually takes between 2-4 week

54. Is it necessary that the HELP should be aligned to the CallHealth brand?

Yes. The HELPs are flag-bearers of the CallHealth brand and will be utilizing its platform, brand and strategy for service delivery

55. Can there be many entrepreneurial participants?

Yes. CallHealth is passionate about developing professional entrepreneurs who can work as healthcare ecosystem partners to further its objective of making healthcare accessible to all.

56. Will CallHealth also be an investor in the PLC or LLP? If so, what is the extent of investment?

No. CallHealth's interests lie in building the brand, strategy and the platform for a connected healthcare ecosystem bringing "Everything about health" to customers

57. In case of investment by CallHealth, will there be a shareholder's agreement?

CallHealth will not function as an investor into the PLC or LLP

58. What shall be the authorized and subscribed capital of the company?

A PLC can be started with an investment of _______lakhs. The company may however has a limit prescribed as share capital.

59. What is meant by Individual Service Providers (ISPs)?

Individual Service Providers (ISPs) in the healthcare ecosystem shall refer to clinical and para-clinical practitioners such as Doctors, Nurses, Physiotherapists, Dieticians and non-clinical professionals such as Gym trainers, Zumba trainers, etc. Such ISPs will be on rolls of HELPs.

60. Does the HELP have a flexibility to have an employment or contractual relationship with the ISPs?

Since HELPs will be directly accountable to service delivery and associated SLAs, the Individual Service Providers will be recruited on a full-time basis and / or contracted on a fee for service model by the HELPs.

61. Who are Direct ISPs?

These are ISPs who are not attached with any of the HELPs, but available in the ecosystem for access in an as-and-when-needed basis. D-ISPs would be registered with CallHealth and are driven by smart contracts just as any external HELPs

62. How does the company address the conflicts between services provided by D-ISPs and ISPs within HELP?

CallHealth will encourage D-ISPs only in markets where it does not have a HELP model in place.

63. What are the criteria CallHealth follows in allocating work to HELPs with respect to demand generated on the platform?

All demand as generated by the platform in a given area would be assigned to the HELP who is contracted to deliver that service.

64. Will the ISPs also be required to join in as parties in the smart contract?

Yes. Every Individual Service Provider within a HELP will also enter into contract with CallHealth.

65. In case the HELP has part time relationship with ISPs, are they permitted to provide services to competition?

Yes, as long as this does not have a conflict of interest.

66. How is it determined who a competitor is?

All service providers who provide similar services-in part or whole to what CallHealth does will be considered as competition. A detailed list will be provided in the Smart Contract.

67. In case of the exit of the entrepreneur behind the HELP from it, is there a non-compete with CallHealth limitation? If so, for how long?

Yes. For a period of 24-months

68. Is there a commitment of non-disclosure on the part of HELP?


69. Can the HELP borrow money to meets its capital expenditure?

HELP can borrow money to meet its capital expenditure or long term and medium-term funding requirements.

70. Will CallHealth facilitate loans or working capital for HELP as required?

CallHealth may work with NBFC/Banks/Financial services company and enable a standardized product approved for franchises which can secure funding subject to credit ratings.

71. Will CallHealth guarantee borrowings by HELP?

No. CallHealth will not work as a guarantor for any loans acquired by HELP

72. Invoicing frequency and payments frequency?

Invoice & Payments (settlement) will be done once every month - at the end of the month. All ISPs and P-Helps can however track their daily performance on the app

73. What if there are any delays due to reconciliation?

There won't be such delays because the business is completely online and real time, with business continuity features having been built in. However, in case of any unexpected issues, these will be addressed in a time bound manner.

74. Who will be held accountable for any liability arises out of cash pilferage, consumables pilferage, cash theft etc. ?

The concerned P-HELP will be responsible to ensure that there are no such instances.

75. Will compensation and incentive to ISPs be paid directly by CallHealth or through P-HELPs?

CallHealth will have a back-to-back arrangement with P-HELPs to ensure that any compensation due to ISPs is paid accurately and in a timely manner, avoiding administrative overheads.

76. What is the process and procedure to be followed for refunds in the following scenarios e.g. if customer passes away, if customer is hospitalized, if customer goes on vacation, etc.

Situations such as above and possibly more is always a part and parcel of business reality and has to be viewed / dealt accordingly. CallHealth is committed to giving the customer a fair deal at all times, especially in such circumstances

77. How do we manage cash payments from customers?

Cash should be deposited with designated Banks in a manner prescribed by CallHealth and these would be guided and monitored through the app.

78. Will HELP be considered a subsidiary of CallHealth?

No. HELP is only a partner in business and not legally connected

79. Can the HELP introduce board of directors of its choice?

HELP is at liberty to manage its board of directors who meet required criteria/laws.

80. Will CallHealth have its nominees on the board of HELP?

CallHealth may have nominee/s on the board on a need-to basis. This will be done in discussions with the HELP.

81. Can HELP undertake other businesses after the formation of the legal entity to service CallHealth requirements?

No. However, the HELP leader can pursue other business interests while being engaged with CallHealth.

82. Is the HELP obliged to sell its stake to the company or its nominees if asked to? If so, under what circumstances? And what would be the terms and conditions attached to it?

No. However, the ISPs and rights arising out of contract will be the property of CallHealth.

83. Who will bear the cost towards grooming of ISPs viz. uniforms, etiquettes' training, etc.?

Any expenses incurred on ISPs to ensure service delivery as per CallHealth norms and standards shall be borne by the concerned P-HELP.

84. Who will bear the cost of resources used for B2B / Road Shows / RWAs etc. ?

For such activities that are part of BTL initiatives for B2C business, costs towards such resources will be borne by the concerned P-HELP.

However, for usage of any P-HELP's resources towards B2B business development activities, per day charges as per a standard rate-card will be compensated by CallHealth.

85. Who should bear the expenses incurred because of resampling in the following scenarios - Customer error, ISP error and A-HELP error ?

For customer error (e.g. non adherence to fasting protocol) : to be charged to the Customer

For ISP error : To be debited to the concerned ISP
For A-HELP error : To be debited to the concerned A-HELP

86. Who would bear the costs of purchase and maintenance of EzTab / MPoS devices ?

CallHealth is the owner of EzTab / MPoS devices, hence CallHealth owns the responsibility of purchase and maintenance of these devices.
However in case of loss or damage (other than natural wear & tear), costs towards replacement of the same shall have to borne by the concerned P-HELP

87. Can CallHealth acquire the PLC OR LLP?

CallHealth intends to keep the HELP entities as independent entities. If for any regulatory or business reason this needs to be changed the same would be done based on mutual consultations and agreements

88. What are smart contracts?

A self-executing contract that defines the terms & conditions, rules & penalties of a contract. The smart contracts are enforced digitally.

89. Does the HELP have the freedom to price its services as it desires?

Every contract will enumerate a price range for every service. HELPs are encouraged to choose their prices between the specified range. Any change beyond the specified range will go through the CH Pricing Committee.

90. Are smart contracts binding on both parties?

Yes. As with traditional contracts, smart contracts will also lay down clauses for accountability by both parties.

91. What is meant by Service Level Agreement?

A mutual agreement between a Service provider and their customers that lays down a measurable framework for services. In the CallHealth context, the parameters include Time to order acceptance, service fulfillment, feedback scores, compliance to protocols etc. Each parameter is assigned a target weightage and serves as benchmark to perform.

92. Will a P-HELP / ISP be penalized because Platform downtime resulted in SLAs not being met?

Any drop in SLAs due to any reason owing to CallHealth's commitments / platform, shall not have any impact on P-HELPs' / ISPs compensation.

93. What is the structure of the formula that guides service level agreements?

Service Level Agreements may vary with the nature of services itself.

94. How are the values pertaining to the formula variables generated?

All variables are captured by our Mission Control Centre real-time based on the inputs from the field-as entered by the ISPs during service execution.

95. How are service level agreements determined?

Based on its past service delivery experience and customer expectations, CallHealth's Dynamic MCC has carefully curated the trends presented by each line of service and has therefore defined each parameter and the SLAs thereof. Additionally, CallHealth continually studies markets for similar lines of services to help define/modify SLAs.

96. What are PODS?

In many business scenarios, activities that happen on the ground at a customer location are not always entirely transparent or visible to the company. For example, while there is visibility of a nursing service request and its time of execution, the actual execution of the service at a customer location is not entirely visible.
A CallHealth invention, Proof Of Desired States (PODs) helps surface these activities through various tools and technologies. PODs are especially useful in improving the tracking and traceability of every aspect of a service.

97. Who bills the customer?

HELP will bill the customers on the CallHealth platform through the Order management/Billing modules

98. How are the collections shared between HELP and CallHealth?

CallHealth's business model stipulates the details

99. How often are the payments settled?

The accounts are reconciled every day and settled on a monthly basis

100. Who is responsible for collection from the customer?

All payment collections via Payment on Service (debit card, credit card, cash, wallet) will be the responsibility of HELP.

101. Who would bear demand generation costs?

The costs of demand generation will be borne as below.
- ATL activities / expenses (brand building and image management through Digital Marketing, TV ads, Radios and Newspapers) will be done by CallHealth
- BTL activities / expenses (camps / leaflets / etc.) will be borne by P-HELPs

102. What are the existing laws that govern the relationship between the company and HELP?

Indian Contract Act, 1872 is the main source of law regulating contracts in India. Apart from the said Act, there are several others based on circumstances or issues raised therein.

103. How are disputes resolved?

Through mutual consultation or by arbitration in accordance with provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996.

104. Does the contract provide for arbitration procedures?

Yes. As above.

105. Is Non-Compete clause mandatory?

Non-Compete clause will be applicable for one year from the ate of separation - which is a mandatory clause in our agreement.

106. Will my contractual terms be on par with other HELPs?

Contracts are drafted taking into account several scenarios and consequences that can arise out of the engagement. Accordingly, various clauses have been drafted for mutual agreement between CallHealth and HELPs. There is consistency maintained as fr as possible for those providing similar nature of services.

107. Can CallHealth change the terms of the agreement unilaterally?

CallHealth will ensure every HELP will be engaged and adequately informed of changes, if any, pertaining to service delivery

108. Who is held responsible for legal risks with respect to the services rendered?

HELPs shall be solely liable for any and all claims, matters and/or liabilities pertaining to or connected with the performance of its obligations under the smart contract.

109. What is the list of Operational support services that the company provides?

110. Does the company operate these operational support services, or does it outsource it to other HELPs?

CallHealth will identify agencies that specialize in these areas and provide services at affordable rates.

111. Does the company provide for periodical or event-based interactions between the HELPs and respective leaders in the company?

Yes. SPOCs of either party will set up communications calendar for scheduled meetings. Event-based interactions will be communicated to HELPs in advance.

112. How does the HELP represent itself externally with respect to CallHealth?

All HELPs shall be the flag-bearers of CallHealth and its platform; hence will represent themselves as 'Brand CallHealth'

113. Does the HELP have the option to not to use the support services provided by the company?

HELPs are required to use these agencies for consistency and speed

114. What is the training mechanism followed? How is training done? Train the Trainer? Can a trainer be shared among P-HELPs? What is the model?

e-Learning modules will be available for P-HELPs / ISPs for online learning. Additionally, CallHealth will enable online and offline Learning Management Services and the concerned P-HELP can raise a requisition for various learning requirements for their ISPs. These services will be available at reasonable costs to P-HELPs

115. Will the support services provided at cost or will there be a markup?

The Services will be provided at a highly negotiated rate and will be lower than market rates from similar providers.

116. Will there be any Technical Support for P-HELPs? What are the SLAs for response for Technology issues? What is the escalation matrix for tech issues?

Yes, there will be 'Request Management System' and also a 'Feedback Management System' for P-HELPs to raise such request or share any feedback.
Additionally, a 24/7 Helpdesk will be accessible to P-HELPs for a real-time support.

117. Is there a downside risk protection that the company offers to HELPs?

No, HELPs are an entrepreneurial initiative and the HELP has to be involved in business demand generation and servicing, from day one.

118. Will the HELPs be rated for its services?

Yes, All services and service providers of CallHealth will be assessed on a 5 point scale, where 5 is the highest rating.

119. What are the implications of ratings?

Ratings will determine the page/search rankings, rewards and incentives, growth prospects (new skills, services lines and locations) and ultimately, the potential to earn revenues. Conversely, ratings will also serve as a key SLA parameter driving the renewal of contracts with HELPs.