Speech Therapy

The CallHealth model is about being "Everything about health" to its customers - across all age groups - in a single click / call.

The three driving principles that guide CallHealth so as to provide maximum comfort to customers - in sequence - are:

1. Everything that can be enabled virtually should be done virtually.

a. This would mean doctor or diet consultations or any such service that can be availed over a Call /APP/ Web
b. We refer to this as @Platform services

2. Any healthcare service / need that requires a physical in person contact, should be done at home

a. This implies that services like some of the diagnostics, nursing, physiotherapy, fitness training, yoga etc can be brought to the customers doorstep
b. We refer to this as @Home services

3. Services that require an extended in-patient care at a tertiary center or an extended treatment in wellness clinics should be facilitated

a. This will ensure that the customer has a priority treatment and maximum care with minimum waiting period and hassles.
b. We refer to this as @Centre services

While CallHealth delivers the first two models through its network of care professionals, it has strategic relationships with different players in the Healthcare Ecosystem like Hospitals, Diagnostic chains, Wellness Clinics, Stem cell Banks etc – where CallHealth customers can avail @Center Services. We refer to such entities as Associate – Healthcare Ecosystem Leverage Partners (A-HELP) and see them as an integral part of the journey to provide the best care to the customers.

While A-HELP are predominantly @Centre based in their operations, it is possible that in certain geographies and for certain services (like Physio, Nursing or Fitness training), the A-HELP and CallHealth may jointly offer @Home services for their customers.

There are different kinds of A-HELP that CallHealth has on its platform. While the list below is comprehensive, CallHealth will continuously update the scope of the Offerings. The Broad Categories of A-HELPs are:

1. Hospitals

A health care institution providing inpatient treatment and operation theater with specialized medical, nursing staff and medical equipment.

2. Radiology Laboratories

A department that conducts research in areas of MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), X-Ray, X-Ray Computed Tomography and MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound

3. Pathology Laboratories

Laboratory that analyses bodily fluids such as blood, urine, tissues using the tools of chemistry, clinical microbiology, hematology and molecular pathology

4. Nursing homes

A facility providing long/ short term personal or nursing care for aged or the chronically ill who are unable to care for themselves properly

5. Clinics

Healthcare facilities  that are primarily focused on the care of "Outpatients"

6. Drugs & Supplements distributors

Retail / Wholesale distributors that supply medicines or health supplements

7. Stem Cell Banks

Stem cell bank is a facility that stores stem cells derived from amniotic fluid at a temperature below -1500 C by immersing them in nitrogen vapor for future use

8. Blood Banks

Is a center where blood gathered as a result of blood donation is stored, processed into blood components, and preserved for later use in blood transfusion

9. DNA Analysis / Mapping centers

DNA mapping refers to the variety of different methods that are used to describe the positions of genes. Genetic information is studied and used to diagnose, treat, prevent and cure many illnesses

10. Dialysis Centers

A center/ hospital-based with dialysis stations, which offer hemodialysis and continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) treatments to a diverse group of patients who have chronic - or long-term - kidney failure.

11. Chemo Centers

Centers that treat cancer and administer one or more anti-cancer drugs as part of a standardized chemotherapy regimen

1. Gyms

A club, with a range of facilities usually containing special equipment, where people go to do physical exercises and get fit.

2. Food Suppliers

A company that supplies (hygienically prepared with some specified macro nutrients mix) food to individuals, restaurants, cafeterias, industrial caterers, hospitals and nursing homes

3. Yoga Centres

A place where one can practice yoga that includes physical exercise, breath control, relaxation, positive thinking, meditation aimed at developing harmony in one’s body and mind

4. Meditation Centres

A place where one can practice the technique for resting the mind and attaining a state of higher consciousness

1. Travel Agencies

A private retailer service who provides travel and tourism related services such as car rentals, ticketing, travel insurance, visa services, tour packages, hotel accommodation

2. Ambulance Services

Services that provide medical emergency services in transporting critically ill patients to a medical facility (land, air, water)

3. Provisioning of Work Places

Providers of shared co-working spaces

4. Taxi Services

A type of service were one can hire a vehicle with a driver

5. Courier Services

A company which delivers mails, packages and is known for their speed, security and tracking services

1. Insurance Companies

A institution that provides range of insurance policies that protect individuals, businesses against risk or financial losses in return of regular payments of premium

2. Equipment Companies

A Company engaged in the business of sale or leasing of equipment such as CPAP machine, BiPAP machine etc.

3. IOT – Medical Companies

Companies that manufacture medical grade connected monitoring devices that help capture vital parameters of patients and generate health alerts

4. Government Offices

A governments administration office representing its respective department

5. Training Institutes

A private or public institution which help implementing medical & soft skills training programs

CallHealth has a few governing principles that drives its engagement with the A-HELPs

A-HELP relationships form a significant value add to CallHealth's customer offerings and CallHealth will always play a complementary role to the A-HELPs business.

  • CallHealth at no time intends to enter the business of building hospitals, diagnostic chains or the like.
  • We don't ever intend to compete with A-HELPs and will always value add to their business

CallHealth will always operate in a transparent and bias-free manner with the A-HELPs

  • CallHealth will enable the A-HELP to transparently highlight their offerings, prices, discounts and differentiators on its platform.
  • Where a customer has a specific preference, CallHealth will direct the business to the A-HELP
  • Where a customer seeks choices, CallHealth platform will enable filtering of aspects such as Availability of services, Affordability, Accessibility etc. and facilitate easy decision making for the customer.

CallHealth will have a standardized platform fee for different A-HELPs

  • The entire engagement will be managed through automated measures and Smart Contracts that will eliminate human bias.
  • Financial settlements will be done twice a month and all concerned parties will be able to see the transactional details in its entirety.

Benefits to A-HELP

CallHealth’s wide customer base and geographical reach will enable

  • Greater customer access, beyond geographies
  • Better capacity optimization due to increased business
  • Care continuum and improved health analytics, enabling a Care Continuum
  • Opportunity to cross and up sell more offerings to the customer

Benefits to CallHealth

CallHealth will benefit by providing

  • Providing Holistic solutions to end customers
  • Increased transactions on the platform

CallHealth’s Value proposition stems from the fact that it has hundreds of players on its platform working independently, yet in unison for giving the customer the optimum value for their money and best clinical outcomes. In doing so, every business will succeed in its respective sphere.

CallHealth is fanatically committed to make the entrepreneurs incredibly successful and we strive every day to make this happen

While CallHealth has an established ongoing model of episodic and engagement specific relationships with A-HELPs to address different customer needs, there are a few instances wherein the relationship is elevated and has a deeper engagement model. We refer to these as PA-HELPs wherein the A-HELP leverages the CallHealth platform for its internal operations such as Customer Registration, Order Management, Work Allocation, eHR etc.

CallHealth will limit such partnerships to not more than 2 per service for each geography.

Benefits to PA-HELP

CallHealth's intelligent digital platform enables a seamless integration with the existing HIS or LIMS or Practice Management that the PA-HELP is currently using.

This product will be 'white labeled' and ensure that the PA-HELPs processes, logo and brand are incorporated.

There will be no additional cost levied on the PA-HELP, for the platform usage.

Benefits to CallHealth

  • Position PA-HELPs as a Preferred Partner on its platform
  • Provide greater visibility at different strategic points in the platform
Mode of Engagement Description Key Points Terms of Engagement
Lead Generation Introduce / Refer customers to CallHealth
  • Offload Post Operative Care to CallHealth
    • Physiotherapy
    • Nursing
    • Speech Therapy
    • Bedside Assistance, etc.
  • Earnings commensurate with volume of business referred by service type
  • Percentage of Revenue per referrals and renewals (By Service Type, By Revenue Slabs)
  • Flat referral fee per referral and renewal per service type
Service Demand (Transactional & Contractual) "Service the Demand" generated by CallHealth at the Institution's premises
  • "Service Demand" on a daily basis for all the orders generated and passed on by the platform
  • Earnings commensurate with volume of business handled
  • Contracted Service Price
  • Percentage of Revenue (Slabs)
PA - HELP Become a preferred partner by leveraging the CallHealth Platform for own operations
  • Powered by CallHealth
  • Operates as a JV Partner
  • Not only manage CallHealth facilitated customers but also use the platform for their own customers and operations
  • Base License Fee + Transaction Fee
  • Percentage of Revenue (Slabs)